This page provides answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about vehicle repair and service. We've thrown in some of our favorite tips and recommendations, too. Please call us or consult our Contact Us page for answers to your specific questions. We are happy to assist you!


    • Should I rotate my tires?
    • How important is wheel alignment?
    • With so many brand options and price differences why not just pick the cheapest tire. Is there really a difference?

    Vehicle Maintenance

    • My check engine or service engine soon light comes on. What should I do?
    • I have 100,000 mile spark plugs in my car. When will I need a tune-up?
    • With the change of the season and the temperatures, do I need to have my car checked?

    Vehicle Fluids

    • I see a fluid leak under my car, what is it?

    Vehicle Smells & Sounds

    • My car is making a terrible sound, what information will help?

    Oil Change

    • What is synthetic motor oil?


    • What should I do if my car starts to overheat?

    Electrical System

    • I need to replace a burned out fuse, what should I do?

    Fuel System

    • When should I replace my car's fuel filter?

    Improving Gas Mileage

    • How can you increase fuel mileage?

    Cabin Air Filters

    • Why are Cabin Air Filters important?

    Auto Glass

    • What does the windshield have to do with safety?
    • What's the difference between my windshield and the other glass in my car?